7 Steps How to Create a Mobile Game

7 Steps How to Create a Mobile Game

7 Steps How to Create a Mobile Game
7 Steps How to Create a Mobile Game

Lately, everyone has a mobile phone; no wonder why the mobile gaming market is rocketing.

Everyone lives to play more and more especially mobile games, because people can play anywhere, and it’s more convenient than playing on a computer or a console.

Today we have the steps to create a game for everyone, in case anyone who wants to create their own game can learn how to start making one.

1. Game Planning

1. Game Planning
1. Game Planning

Proper planning before you start building your first game; you need to know what you want to build, what kind of game, a puzzle game or car racing? 2D or 3D?

Make time for ideas, create particular characters, and think about the type of gameplay that will make your game enjoyable. If you don’t know where to start, check out the different genres, such as:

  • Thrill
  • Mystery
  • Arcade
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Card

Once you choose the genre, remember to sketch and write down the details of how you want your game to look. It can be a little detail. Keeping a notebook that expresses what you want your game to do will help you manage as you’re creating.

2. Get the Proper Game Development Company

2. Get the Proper Game Development Company 
2. Get the Proper Game Development Company 

The process of creating games can take time and effort due to code writing. If you don’t have the basics or are not skilled, your game may not come out as expected. A reasonable solution is to find a game development company that’s right for you, and having experts develop your game on the right track is a must. Plus, you will also have more time to think about the different parts of the game.

Astra Studio offers game-making services by teams of experts. We have experience in making many kinds of games. We can also use blockchain technology to develop games. If you want to produce a game in the condition of Play to Earn or Free to Play, the Moo Monster game, for example, is our thriving masterpiece and is considered the first GameFi that Thai people have built.

3. Learn Programming Language

3. Learn Programming Language
3. Learn Programming Language

If you are a developer, learning a programming language is necessary, no matter which game development software you choose. A good place to start is C#, which is the most widely used programming language among Unity developers. C# is a simple, easy-to-understand object-oriented programming language.

Python is another widespread language for mobile game development. Python’s many advantages are wide ranges of libraries that will take your mobile gaming to the next level.

4. Start Developing Your Mobile Game

4. Start Developing Your Mobile Game
4. Start Developing Your Mobile Game

Although the beginning of your project may seem like a lot of details, the importance is to allocate work well, so you can quickly see the results. All you need to do is:

  • Start with basic mechanics and playing rules
  • In-game design, characters, gameplay, and test more and more
  • Create an interface (screen, menu, options, etc.).

5. Mobile Game Graphics

5. Mobile Game Graphics
5. Mobile Game Graphics

The planning step is deciding if your game will have 2D or 3D graphics. Next, think about whether you want to do the graphic by yourself or hire a designer.

You can create your graphics in Photoshop (for 2D graphics), Maya, or 3ds Max (for 3D graphics). Hiring designers might save a lot of work, and your work will be finished faster.

6. Elevate Your Playing

6. Elevate Your Playing
6. Elevate Your Playing

Once your game is placed, you need to customize it to create joy and a memorable experience. Here are some key factors that will make your game well-responded by players: 

  • Make sure your game is pixel-free
  • Make control simple and uncomplicated
  • Add an exciting and engaging storyline
  • Set the mood with fun, not distracting music

7. Launching Your Mobile Game

7. Launching Your Mobile Game
7. Launching Your Mobile Game

One error new game developers usually make is pushing too hard to make the game perfect, which causes delaying the game’s launch. Instead, pay attention to testing and adjusting at the same time, yet you can always improve the game by releasing updates.

If you are serious about making money from your game, you will also need a marketing budget. You can submit your game to platforms like Mobile Startupz or Android Guys for review to publish your game. You can submit your app to platforms like Apple or Google Play to upload your game to different mobile platforms for users to download and play.

The cost of hiring a game company will differ depending on the details of the game. The price can be millions and above, which may seem considerable if someone has never made a game. But it’s worth it if your game is entertaining. It is also an opportunity for many additional businesses. Like many games do, there are uncountable sponsors in there.

Astra Studio has a team of professionals ready to develop your Mobile game in the best possible way. So let’s create your new world with us. Guarantee that you will be satisfied.

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